Monday, September 30, 2019
An Inspector Calls Essay
Throughout the play An Inspector Calls JB Priestly uses the characters to portray the different levels of society. He does this so as to give each class a moral belief and name. The play is called ‘An Inspector calls’ and was written in 1946 by J. B. Priestly. It is set in the year 1912, in between the time in which it was set and the year it was written two world wars had taken place. In 1912 classes were very different and were socially divided. There was a lot of poor people and very few rich people. A lot of the rich people disliked the working class and disrespected them. He uses the characters Mr and Mrs Birling to represent capitalists they are middle class and only out for themselves. They bid for higher prices and pay their labourers little so they make as much profit as possible. Gerald is of a higher middle class and is much younger, he has some empathy for the lower class but is still very much a capitalist. His parents Lady and Lord Croft are of a higher status than the Birlings but they share the same socialistic views. Both Eric and Sheila have a lot of empathy for Eva Smith, they were brought up by capitalist parents which means that their judgement can be swayed to a capitalist view but morally they see what they have done and are willing to accept that. The inspector, represents JB Priestly’s views of society. The Inspector’s last speech sums up how Priestly feels about capitalism and such. â€Å"but just remember this. One Eva Smith has gone but there are millions and millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths with us, with their lives, their hopes and fears, their suffereing and chance of happiness, all interwined with our lives, and what we think and say and do. We don’t live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other. And I tell that the time will soon come when if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and blood and aguish†In this play JB Priestly is aiming to make his audience think again about their views and make them realise that everyone should be responsible for everybody else. Mr Birling is a middle class, wealthy business man who used to be â€Å"an alderman for years – and lord mayor two years ago†he is a magistrate and talks of his â€Å"way into the next honours list. Just a knighthood†He is described as being â€Å"heavy looking†and as being â€Å"in his middle fifties. †Through the inspector’s questioning the audience are made aware of all aspects good and bad. His good side being that he cares about his daughter getting married to his fiancee â€Å"treating Gerald like on of the family. †His bad points being a mans priority – his work and reputation. He comes across a being very mean, cruel and even extremely pompous as a complete snob – in his opinion, his and only his views are correct. Since he is a self made man he thinks that every man is for himself and is strongly against collective responsibility. This is a part he tries to imprint into much of Gerald and Eric. He does this by preaching to them, â€Å"The worlds developing so fast that it’ll make war impossible†an example of Dramatic irony which Priestley uses alot throughout the play. Priestly attempts to convey the part that these values are incorrect and though the inspectors final speech he lets the audience know that: if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught in fire and blood and anguish†The most important factor of Mr Birlings character is that he is incapable of change: Priestly wants the audience to know that change is the key. As well as Priestly the audience or the reader can see that the fire, blood and anguish is referring to the war, therefore the audience should realise that the moral lessons are not only meant for the Birlings but also for the audience. If the Arthur Birlings of this world don’t change war will never cease. Mrs Birling is the wife of Arthur, she is an extremely callus woman who is very out of touch with the reality of life. She has a lack of understanding in certain areas, such as her naivety to her son when she is preaching â€Å"find this young man and then make sure that he has compelled to confess in public his responsibility†Mrs Birling is constantly very hypocritical: she first describes Gerald’s relationship with Eva (Daisy) as â€Å"a disgusting affair. †Then later when the inspector is found to be false she is quite content worth forgetting about the whole thing. Also he begins by laying all the blame on the â€Å"young man†that impregnated Eva saying, â€Å"he should be made an example of†, but when Eric, her son is found to be the young man she denies all comments previously made until Sheila reveals them. She is very prejudice and has awfully stereotypical views. Gerald is the son of a big rival of Arthur’s Sir George Croft. He is well mannered of course and very self but he too has moral flaws. Whether Inspector Goole was truthfully an inspector or not shouldn’t have changed the fact that Gerald had commited a moral crime through his exploitation of Eva. Although he sets out with good intentions in the way that he saves Eva from Alderman Meggarty, his utilisation of his social standing and economic power to use Eva is wrong. The audience can also see his lack of loyalty from the way he betrayed Sheila at such ease. The way that he begins the sequence of proceedings leading to the view that the inspector wasn’t an inspector shows that he reacts on his suspicions. Gerald wasn’t all bad though he gave Eva more than any other character in the play and â€Å"had some affection for her and mad her happy for a time. He also didn’t burden Eva with a child, as did Eric. He is much more concerned with legalities than moralities, as are Mr and Mrs Birling, in the way Mr Birling treated Eva is warranted. Gerald is also similar to Mr and Mrs Birling in his inability to change. Sheila in her early twenties and at the beginning seems quite self-centred in the way that she loves the attention she is receiving because of her engagement. She appeared to be shallow taking her misfortune out on others by getting Eva scared at Milwards because she smiled at the assistant and looked better in a hat than Sheila did. She uses her position to bully the less fortunate, ordering the manager at Milwards â€Å"if they don’t get rid of that girl, id never go near the place again and id persuade mother to close tour account with them. †But unlike Mr and Mrs Birling and Gerald, she is authentically sorry for her action and doesn’t share their moral faults and so has that potential to change. She shows this potential by the way she accepts that Gerald cheated on her and respects him for admitting it, she realise the importance of honestly and gives him the opportunity to change. Sheila realises â€Å"these girls aren’t cheap labour – they’re people†and the fact that she comprehends things like that is why she is to seem to the audience that she is a better person than Gerald and her parents. Sheila begins to understand the values the inspector is trying to preach and how they are more logical than her families’ principals. She can therefore comprehend that her mother is â€Å"beginning all wrong†and that Mrs Birling should â€Å"stop stop†where as nobody else can grasp this essential point. Sheila may have been a brat, but the fact that she and Eric are â€Å"more impressionable†enables her to understand that people need to learn from past errors and change. It is the ability to change that separates her, and Eric from the other Characters. At the beginning of the play, Priestley sets out an extensive series of stage directions. He applies them effectively as a dramatic device, in that he uses them to show how the Birling family are cold, distant people and how capitalism has corrupted them as a family. He illustrates how the family are very well off, alluding to â€Å"dessert plates†and â€Å"champagne glasses†as well as other expensive items. However, there is also a sense of formality and distance between the family members as he writes that â€Å"men are in tails and white ties†and that it is â€Å"not cosy and homelike†. He also emphasises the remoteness between Mr and Mrs Birling by situating them at opposite ends of the table. Included in the stage directions is the colour and brightness of the lighting. Priestley also uses this as a dramatic device skilfully. The lighting first used is described as â€Å"pink and intimate†showing a ‘warm’ and ‘joyful’ atmosphere. However the audience gets the sense that it is just a screen covering up secrets and that they are in fact looking through ‘rose-tinted glasses’ and that it is not really what it seems. This is confirmed when the Inspector appears and the lighting changes to a â€Å"brighter and harder light†where it gives the impression of exposure and the revelation of truth. In this way, the character of the Inspector has also been used as a dramatic device. He is used to convey a message, as a mouthpiece to Priestley’s views. He makes it seem as if socialism is the true and honest way to live. The Inspector does not use euphemisms and instead uses graphic imagery in order to shock the Birlings into giving him information, â€Å"she’d swallowed a lot of strong disinfectant, Burnt her inside out of course†. He also has a feeling of omniscience and an almost ghostly presence. His name, Inspector Goole, indicates this as Goole sounds like Ghoul and Inspector sounds like spectre. The Inspector is used to ‘correct’ the capitalists and makes a strong statement in favour of socialism in his final rhetorical speech. In this speech he states that for lower class, â€Å"Eva Smiths and John Smiths†there is a â€Å"chance of happiness†in socialism. The Inspector also makes the audience realise that they are â€Å"members of one body†and that they should try their best to help people like Eva Smith, otherwise, as the Inspector implies, â€Å"they will be taught in fire and blood and anguish†. This almost acts as a threat to the audience and incites them to recognize the value of Priestley’s message. Dramatic irony is also used in many ways as a dramatic device. It is used to promote the Inspector yet mock Mr Birling. In Mr Birling’s speech at the beginning of the play, he proudly states that â€Å"as a hard-headed businessman†he thinks that â€Å"there isn’t a chance of war†and that the Titanic is â€Å"absolutely unsinkable†. With the play being published after two world wars and the sinking of the Titanic, Priestley makes the audience think that Birling is a fool. Whereas the Inspector, who states in his final speech that â€Å"they will be taught in fire and blood and anguish†indicating that there will be a war, is elevated by the use of dramatic irony. This makes the audience believe the socialist views of the Inspector instead of the ‘foolish’ views of Mr Birling. The fact that a meaningful message is represented would indicate that An Inspector Calls, as well as being a murder mystery, in the way that Priestley uncovers the story of the death of Eva Smith, is also a moralistic play. Priestley shows the audience how not to live their lives, using dramatic devices to demonstrate this. He makes the audience contemplate over the fact that they are actually â€Å"members of one body†and that they are all â€Å"responsible for one another†and has made them realise that socialism is the way forward instead of capitalism. In this way, An Inspector Calls is very relevant today’s society where people still do need to work together and help others in need. J. B. Priestley effectively uses many dramatic devices in An Inspector Calls, such as symbolism and timings. He applies them in order to portray his political views, using an upper class, Edwardian family to do so. The end of the play was ambiguous and it left the audience craving a clear and understandable ending. Were there more girls than just Eva Smith? Was Inspector Goole real? What really was real? Some people thought Goole was a spirit that had come to foretell the future, others thought there were multiple girls in the pictures, while a few thought it was the same girl just in a different pose. Priestly uses the characters to speak his mind and get across wants he thinks through characters and that’s why people are leaving wanting more.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
International Business Communication Phase
The management team from the United States will be in charge of the staffing for said restaurants. There will be a meeting of Executives in the United States, to explain the project and provide everyone with the necessary information needed to complete the task at hand, also giving the chance for all the executives get acquainted. Communication is very important in the business world and is required when expanding business to other countries. To have a complete understanding of a different culture, there has to be respect of customs, manners, and ethnicities.It is important to understand being able to communicate both verbally and non- verbally is the key to success. Because each of the groups may speak a different language, it needs to be priority number one to make sure everyone is on the same page and there is no confusion. Some cultures can feel uncomfortable and insult others, when there is a lack of cultural understanding. Differing cultural standards of these countries include but are not limited to, politics, social, and education.The language hurdles are an issue because of the people not knowing the other language does not understand when people have questions or comments. This will disturb the demonstration because it can cause confusion with communication between the different people and can cause them to be confused of the meeting and the information that they need to operate the business as taught. Language barriers can also cause rational replies and destructive sensitive replies. There are many approaches to aid everyone to improve a relationship with each other to help in conveying, execution, and growth.Other approaches consist of creating a bond, ask questions about their culture, opinion, and customs, and listen courteously to all persons to gain a complete understanding and knowledge of their views and their culture Conveying proficiently will let agreeing conditions between businesses partners become more easily. The win-win model would be the best form of a negotiating model for negotiating each set of partners. The win-win model entails agreeing on terms, both sides believing they have won.Conditionally, there are different types of coming to terms more efficiently. The key to coming to an agreement, there needs to be an agreed upon set of terms both arties understanding what the other party wants, without taking away from the initial goal. A conflict can possibly arise, if there is a conflict of interest or if one feels one way and the other individual feels another way. When conflict arises, it is very important to know that there is a conflict and a resolution is required.The outcome of a conflict can be either positive or negative. There are many techniques that can be developed to assist in handling conflict. It is important to know how important it is to satisfy your own needs and the needs of the other individual needs. To overcome conflicts, there are many strategies that you can use. Taking care of you and knowing yourself consist of understanding triggers and creating a better environment. The next strategy is to clarify the personal needs that are threatened by the conflict.To clarify the personal needs, means to be substantive and identify what the desired outcome of the negotiation process is. Find a safe place to negotiate is another strategy that consists of appropriate space to negotiate, appropriate time, and agreeing on the ground rules. Taking the time to listen ill help when conflict arises; because it will help you know what is being said by listening actively and help you have a clear understanding of what the other individual is saying.Specifically and clearly asserting your needs means to build from what you are hearing and using messages to clarify what is being said. Approaching flexibility and problem solving is a method for handling conflict and it means to find a solution or options identify the issues concisely and clearly, are open-minded, and to clarify what th e criteria is for making the right decisions. Managing the issue calmly, patiently, and successfully will help to clarify any feelings, focus on the interests and needs, and to take a break.Also, implement and evaluate the issue and know what the cause was for the conflict and it will show you how to handle it if the situation was to arise again. Errors that can happen when negotiating contracts are very likely. Making sure when asking questions you leave the question open so the other party feels like they are being included. The other parties needs and expectations are considered, this helps them feel what they are proposing is not being disregarded. Self-defeating compromise is another mistake to avoid.This is cause from the fear of losing the deal or fear that the people you are negotiating with are taking advantage of you. Directing insensible messages is a no-no because it will show when a person is anxious or self-critical, the best thing to do is manage the problematic thoug hts. Short term thinking will help to end the negotiating process fast and help gain immediate benefits. Talking too much is a mistake, because it can cause you to negotiate against yourself, rather than for yourself. When negotiating, you have to wait or pause and be informal able with being silent.Requiring face to face meetings is a mistake because it is best to negotiate at a distance. Negotiating at a distance will help come to a better agreement and it help an individual concentrate more on the high priority items by looking at the issues in an abstract way. Being too pasty is a mistake that is made by most individuals when negotiating because it makes things look desperate when you are trying to push an individual to say yes. Rather than push the individual to say you, you need to provide the individual what the chance to say not.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Communication Climate In the Film “On Golden Pondâ€Â
Climate in movies can be developed in a variety of ways, depending on the theme, characters, and genre. The movie On Golden Pond has an award winning cast. Two of the actors are father and daughter in real life, Henry and Jane Fonda. The task of creating a communication climate is centered on an important contemporary theme: the challenges of aging, bonds between male and female, man and child. These topics are all issues that theatre-goers can relate to. The communication climate, thus, becomes a central element story development and creating pace while keeping the viewer’s interest peaked. The film opens with breath-taking view of New England landscape, panning in and out of the quiet, peaceful lake. This reinforces the emotional attitude of the film from the beginning. Enter crotchety old Norman Thayer and soft-spoken, yet affirming wife, Ethel. The film-maker, well-aware of the highly publicized problems revolving around Henry Fonda and his son and daughter, uses this to add impact to the film’s emotional sentiment. Norman and Ethel arrive to their remote vacation home without anyone in sight. Ethel’s hands are full and she cannot open the door. She needs Norman’s help and knocks on the door. â€Å"Someone’s at the door,†says Norman, not even looking up from his book. â€Å"It’s me you old poop,†Ethel says. This brief dialogue speaks volumes about who is the enabler in this marriage. Norman’s age and life-long frustrations are clouding his memory and his ability to keep up with life. Norman expresses his concerns over death in subtle ways. He vents his frustration on loved ones by being irritable, short-tempered, and using quick-witted sarcasm. It’s obvious that sarcasm has been a life-long sentiment in the Thayer household. The sarcasm between Norman and his daughter Chelsea has built walls that have silenced their ability to express true feelings for one another. Thus, Norman uses discomforting messages for the majority of the film. Here’s an example of Norman’s sarcasm regarding his daughter’s new love. â€Å"She’s fallen in love with a dentist,†says Ethel, full of compassion. â€Å"Good God! They’ll be staring at our teeth all the time,†is Norman’s response. The humor of the scene makes its mark while viewers are led to question Norman’s love and respect for his daughter. Does he, on a subconscious level, regret his lifetime of treating Chelsea unfairly? The film, unfortunately, treats the stereotypical grumpy old man with simplicity, never reaching into the heart of the matter. In fact, the only recognition between Chelsea and Norman comes in the closing scene of the film where they embrace as Chelsea says, Goodbye Norman†¦er dad. †This verbal message does hold impact but the true reconciliation between father and daughter remains unknown. Ethel, in contrast to Norman’s character, uses confirming messages entirely through the film. Her deep love for Norman is shown by her willingness and unconditional acceptance of Norman’s less than joyous persona. Norman creates more humor in a scene that normally would lead people to show a little respect; for, an elderly woman who also lived on Golden Pond died recently. Norman doesn’t even bat an eye as he informs the mailman of this news and says, â€Å"one of the lesbians expired. †More disconfirming messages by Norman. The film maker shows Norman with his guard down in a scene where he gets lost hunting for strawberries near the house. He runs back until he bumps into their property. Norman waits for the mailman to leave before stating his angst to Ethel. It is one of the rare times, maybe the only time, that Norman uses confirming messages. â€Å"(I had to) Come running back to see your pretty face. I could feel safe. I was still me. †â€Å"You’re my knight in shining armor. †Ethel responds as she held his face gently in her hands. â€Å"You're gonna get back up on that horse and I’ll be right behind you. And away we’re gonna go, go, go. †Ethel, once again, uses her confirming voice to heal. Billy Ray Jr. upon meeting Norman shows respect. It’s Norman’s 80th birthday celebration. Billy Ray Jr. tries to make a connection. â€Å"I just had a birthday two weeks ago. †Norman says, â€Å"Hmm. We’re practically twins. †Billy Ray Sr. also shows respect for Norman, using confirming messages. â€Å"Love your house,†says Billy Ray Sr. â€Å"Thank you. It’s not for sale,†retorts Norman. Their dialogue continues as Norman uses more disconfirming messages and Billy Ray Sr. uses confirming messages. â€Å"Norman? You mind if I call you Norman? †â€Å"I believe you just did,†says Norman coolly. In closing, communication is what creates the climate of the film. Dialogue and body language are what keep the story moving along at a jovial clip. It is a wonderful film with a message about how challenging life can be for individuals when communication has little honesty. When people put up fronts and refuse to share their feelings, it leads to disjointed relationships and people wind up feeling hurt. This pain can cause further distress on a person’s life. The only solution is to share feelings and believe in the power that results when a cohesive family bond develops.
Friday, September 27, 2019
The concept of Corporate Responsibility has been defined as 'An Essay
The concept of Corporate Responsibility has been defined as 'An umbrella term embracing theories and practices relating to how - Essay Example The society plays a very important role towards the success of a given business. The goods and services provided by a given business organization will be of value to the organization if they can be marketed within the society. The economic status of the society will determine the types of businesses that are likely to prosper in the area. The extent to which a given society reflects what is observed in the international market will influence how a given organization can adopt the international standards. Origin of corporate responsibility The market is characterized by high level of competition with the needs of customers constantly changing. Successful organizations are those that continuously monitor the changing market trends and making the adjustments as they are observed (Zadek, 2004, p.1). As a way of gaining competitive advantage, a business organization would be prompted to develop its reputation within a given society by giving back to the society (Warburton, 2004, P.2). The organization can decide to initiate charity programs aimed at social development like providing some free education scholarships or providing healthcare services to some vulnerable community (Metaxas & Tsavdaridou, 2010, p1). The views of every stakeholder in the organization need to be sought in developing these adjustment mechanisms. These are then applied towards the general development in the society. The contributions that a business organization has towards the improvement of the society have been a point of concern for the scholars, politicians and the common person in the recent years. Over a long period, ideas had been developed by businesses that suggest a need for them to contribute to the development of the society. Various organizations had opted to use their assets to improve the living standards of their employees (Blowfield, Blowfield, and Murray, 2008, p.12). These initiatives generated a mixture of views relating business to the society. It was acceptable that the businesses operated to generate profits by meeting the customer demand. However, it was noted that there would be lack of control over the amount of profit to be gained and the quality of the products given by the businesses (Blowfield, Blowfield, and Murray, 2008, p.12). Issues arose concerning the prices of goods and even the wages for the employees of an organization as to who should be responsible for setting the standards. There has also been a question as to whether the business should actually give back to the society. An attempt to derive a solution to these conflicting issues called for what we term as corporate responsibility. This involves the participation of various parties in ensuring that business activities are carried out in a manner that does not violate the rights of the individuals in the society and that it contributes to the general wellbeing of the members of the society (Taming the Corporation, 1998). The government is one such party that intervenes to enact legislations that govern procedures like wage and price establishment by the companies (Tuccille & Stone, 2003, p.6). The kind of management and leadership in the organization and specifically the roles of the leaders in the business are then important issues to be addressed. The overall responsibility of the company/organization is also considered in examining what constitutes corporate respon
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Assessments in Instructional Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Assessments in Instructional Design - Essay Example Generally, assessments are understood as tests that measure the levels of competence, knowledge or skills as results from instruction (Shank, 2009, p.1). Accordingly, good assessments of learning results measure whether students are capable of doing things they have to be able to do as instruction’s result. Dirks writes that assessments consist of two components. These are measurement and evaluation (Dirks, 1997, p.3). Measurement deals with describing students’ performance with the help of a quantitative and/or qualitative approach. Evaluation is about judging the adequacy of either students’ performance or sample work (Erickson & Wentling, 1978, p. 3). Importantly, there can be identified five principal types of assessments use. These are 1) Communication of the student’s achievement status 2) Providing self-evaluation data to a person who is learning 3) Learner placement for certain educational programs/paths 4) Motivation of a student 5) Evaluation of the instructional programs effectiveness (Guskey, 1996). Given this, the appropriate use of assessment can be explained as the one that successfully combines the aforementioned dimensions. In other words, appropriate use of assessment communicates achievement statuses of students, gives learners information for self-evaluation, helps place learners within selected educational programs, motivates students, helps find out whether an instructional program has been effective or not. The use or misuse of assessment can be evaluated through identifying whether the learning goals have been achieved. To illustrate, Shan thinks that â€Å"to determine if needed results have been achieved, results are often measured and assessed against a predefined set of standards†(Shank, 2009, p.1). In instructional design, these are known as learning objectives. For example, if a learning objective for a course of Business Etiquette is to teach students to identify the relevant actions for a numbe r of situations in business where these skills are to be used, the assessment designed as a learning game is inappropriate. This can be explained by the fact that just measuring whether the information presented by the professor has been remembered does not provide any measurement of students’ ability. To design appropriate assessments one should view them as an inseparable part of a complex instructional process. The latter combines 1) designing objectives that relate to needed results and are relevant to them; 2) designing assessments that are relevant to learning objectives; 3) designing instruction that is relevant to both objectives and assessments; 4) evaluation all three components to ensure they are relevant and needed results have been achieved (Shank, 2009, p.1). To judge about the assessment’s appropriateness one should identify whether the assessment can be characterized as 1) valid; 2) reliable; 3) feasible; 4) having stakes. Assessment’s validity i s understood as â€Å"the extent to which the assessment procedure measures what it is intended to measure†(Henning-Stout, 1994, p. 229).
Discuss the arguments for and against international fair wage and Essay
Discuss the arguments for and against international fair wage and employment standards codes (i.e., anti-sweatshop rules) - Essay Example When workers develop the perception that the compensation received in exchange to the effort rendered in performing the job is insufficient, it hinders their morale towards the organization and their motivation as well. This is quite likely to adversely affect the productivity and ultimately affect the performance of the organization causing ethical issues in the working environment in relation to human rights. It has been with this concern that the concept of â€Å"Fair wage†was developed (Grossman and Helpman, â€Å"Fair Wages and Foreign Sourcing†). This particular developed in the working environment can be well-described with reference to the occurrence of sweatshop movement during the 19th century (Miller, â€Å"Why Economists Are Wrong about Sweatshops and the Anti-Sweatshop Movement†). ... Following the findings in this regard, the discussion will also precise certain specific recommendations to mitigate the limitations and facilitate the positive of implementing the international â€Å"fair wage†and employment standard codes. Argument for International â€Å"Fair Wage†and Employments Standard Codes in Relation to Anti-Sweatshop Rules Researchers have often assumed that employers are always ethically appreciative to pay fair wages to the employees whenever possible, in order to keep them motivated and satisfied. However, in the practical scenario, the working environment situations have repeatedly been witnessed to depict the authoritarian power led malpractices conducted by employers in terms of employee exploitation. A best example to this context has been the anti-sweatshop movement which resulted in the establishment of certain rules in terms of international â€Å"fair wages’ and employment standards with the intention to protect the human rights and welfare of employees along with rendering due significance towards employers’ interests (Miller, â€Å"Why Economists Are Wrong about Sweatshops and the Anti-Sweatshop Movement†). The anti-sweatshop rules illustrate that the global pay system is based on three fundamental principles which include paying for the job, paying in accordance with the skills and competencies of the employees or workers and paying in context of the market value. Based on these principles, the concept of international â€Å"fair wage†was derived which renders due significance towards the ethical business conduct and also towards the transparency in employer-employee relationship. Fair wages can be illustrated as the wage rate which is above the minimum wages offered in a particular region for a
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Environmental impact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Environmental impact - Essay Example The sector of property is now aware that there is need to reduce exposure of any kind to environment risks in all constructions although many developments-related to risks overtime have been linked to pollution activities or sometimes the failure on the part of the specialists when dealing with particular environment hazards. The construction industry may experience serious impact in future related to environment if certain measures are not taken soon enough (Anderson & Shiers, 2007). The environmental impacts are categorized in different forms, since is clear without doubt that there is continues mounting of carbon dioxide (CO2) accumulations in the atmosphere and other harmful â€Å"greenhouse†gases, for example, methane. The result of this will be leading the world into serious global warming as well as climate change. Since the main source behind greenhouse gases is a result of burning fossil fuels to extract energy. The Green Guide intention is to use all building assessment tools like the BREEAM, this stands for the code to identify sustainable homes or rather EcoHomes instead of standalone tool. The choice of materials taken together with specification has some impact on the total environmental, social and economic outcome on the building that Green Guide may not be able to account, therefore, BRE Global cannot recommend possible targets based on the specifications by Green Guide rating that is set separately (Kocsis, 2010). Low carbon technology structure is encouraged for many home owners especially wooden structures, and at the same time ensures that the structure/house has sufficient renewable energy is very important, proper guideline on the issue of managing design, constructions as well as operation towards carbon building technology. There are gaps that sometimes exeunt between the design and the performance despite genuine intentions of developing relatively low carbon buildings although it does not
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Cell Wall Biogenesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Cell Wall Biogenesis - Essay Example The wall consists of complex mixture of polysaccharides and polymers that secret the cell through a network of bonds. The plant cell walls also have enzymes, natural proteins, and phenol polymers that modify the chemical and physical properties (Carpita 445) Different plants contain unique chemical composition and structures while all have the same role of regulating the cell and providing it with a shape. The plant cells acquire biological and diverse functions crucial in human economics. In its natural form, the plant cell wall has the following commercial purposes textiles, paper, charcoal, wood products, and fibers. One can modify polysaccharides to make adhesives, thickeners, films, coatings, plastics, and gels ( Taiz and Eduardo 45). The primary cell wall has cellulose micro fibrils embedded in polysaccharide matrix. The matrix polysaccharides contain pectin, and hemicelluloses. Some of the pectin contained includes Arabinan, homogalacturonan, and galactan. Some of the hemicelluloses include xylan, callose, and xyglucan. The hydrated matrix has both flexibility and strength. The cell walls have two groups of polysaccharides called hemicelluloses and pectin and few amounts of structural protein. The polysaccharides matrix consists of wide array of polymers that vary according to cell type and plant species. A schematic diagram of major structural components of primary cell wall depicts cellulose micro fibrils with xyloglucan coatings that may cross-links to each other (Loewus 18). All the polysaccharides have their names after principal sugars for instance glucan polymer consists of glucose, xylan consists of xylose, and galactan consists of glucose. A compound name for the hemicelluloses does not mean a branched structure. Xyloglucan contain a chain of glucose residues with xylose sugars on the side chains. Glucomannan is a polymer that contains glucose and mannose. Loewus (4) says that
Monday, September 23, 2019
Message Without Words Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Message Without Words - Essay Example Numerous researches have been carried out on the role of emotions in advertising messaging. Du Plessis (2005) links emotional adverts with construction of positive attitudes towards an advert such as likeability, and also associates it with brand recall and recognition. According to Kamins et al (1991), consumers viewing an advert will adopt the mood presented in it, for instance, an advert with a happy mood will leave the consumers with a happy mood while an advert with a sombre mood will leave them in a sombre mood. Therefore, this message’s primary goals are to create brand recognition and recall and generate positive attitudes among the customers. However, this message targets kids and teens. This is evident from the image, which portrays three kids.A marketing model must incorporate and mirror the overall goals of the company. This advert will use a marketing strategy model that will elicit interest, attention, desire and action. The advertising strategy will revolve arou nd positioning of the products of Benetton, communication media, and the target market.The positioning aspect of the advertising strategy will rely on the positioning message that will accompany the image. This statement, â€Å"You are part of the Family†, will give the values held by the company on customers. This will evoke emotions among the customers. This statement gives the customer a reason to purchase the products of Benetton. Additionally, a statement giving the attributes of the products offered.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Stakeholder Analysis- Fracking Essay Example for Free
Stakeholder Analysis- Fracking Essay Pursuing hydraulic fracturing as a top manager of Chevron, I will describe the dilemmas that are associated with fracking. The first problem with this procedure is finding the appropriate land and leasing it from the landowners. With talk around the country, it can be difficult finding land because of landowners’ personal experience with the practice of hydraulic fracturing. In southwestern Pennsylvania there have been cases of animal birth defects, faucet erosion, stomach pains, and other health issues; in response, according to the New York Times, â€Å"Range Resources maintains that a D. E.P. study from 2010 indicates no air pollution of any kind†(Griswold, 2011). The country is torn in the middle of believing in natural gases and not believing. According to Huffington Post, â€Å"A report that the Congressional Research Service, which provides policy and legal analysis to the U.S. Congress, published in November also seems to support the industry’s sales pitch: ‘Given existing data, most indications point to the changes in the natural gas industry as positive to the overall U.S. economy’ (Peeples, 2013) but there are still skeptics. The issue that my company is facing in expanding the operations within this industry is, mainly, the uncertainty of the long term effects the fracking procedure is possibly contributing to. According to msnbc, â€Å"fracking is causing earthquakes. Federal scientists presented a new study this week to the American Geophysical Union that suggests natural gas drilling is the likely culprit behind a skyrocketing number of earthquakes in the Raton Basin in Colorado and New Mexico†¦ companies began injecting what’s called ‘wastewater fluid’ from natural gas drilling into the Earth†( Gentile, 2012). Different publications are distributing articles of studies of health effects and environmental issues that hydraulic fracturing are causing. This in response is effecting the possible growth for Chevron. My team is conducting a stakeholder analysis and we have determined several stakeholders which include: the government, D.E.P., media, owners, shareholders, environmentalists, general public. Also established are the interests of each stakeholder. With the general public interests being in their health, voting is one power they could use to voice their concerns. Environmentalists and the D.E.P. are interested in the pollution fracking is causing and the D.E.P. could use their legal power to help regulate the pollution. The concerns of the shareholders are the profits of the company and voting is their power they could use to fix problems within the organization. With the power of economics, the owners are interested in the success of the company. The media is concerned with the public knowing both sides of the issue. Lastly, one main interest in the government is the reconstructing of the economy and what hydraulic fracturing could create in jobs. The stakeholders that are most likely to resonate with the public are the general public, media, and the environmentalists. With media producing stories of the public being affected by the pollution and the environmentalists undergoing studies on the environment, this could create a negative image on fracking companies. Considering all the stakeholders, the one stakeholder that holds the most urgency is the general public that is being affected. The general public is the most urgent because they are being victimized and their voices are being heard throughout the country which is causing confrontational issues. Different coalitions could be formed by the environmentalists and the government. Different politicians could lobby to get a bill pass and environmentalists could form to fight bills. My recommendation for the company’s consideration is to invest in more resource of the different affects fracking is causing and to fix the environmental issues that are caused. Ideally, Chevron should follow the triple bottom line perspective because all three elements (planet, profit, and people) are strongly involved. But with the uncertainty of the new procedures and all the different effects, the stakeholder approach is more realistic for Chevron. Chevron could prioritize their stakeholders and focus on each of their needs. This company holds ethical responsibility to the general public because of the health hazards that are surrounding the drill sites. The legal responsibility the company has is to follow the regulations that are formed by the D.E.P. Works Cited 1.) Grizwold, E. (2013). The Fracturing of Pennsylvania. 2.) Gentile, S. (2012). Fracking is transforming our energy economy- but its also causing earthquakes. 3.) Peeples, L. (2013). Fracking in Pennsylvania Sets Up Dilemma For Locals: Quick Money Or Long Term Health Concerns.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Content-Based Video Retrieval Method
Content-Based Video Retrieval Method An Approach for Analyzing keyframes based on Self Adaptive Threshold and Scene Descriptors Suruthi.K, Tamil Selvan.T, Velu.S, Maheswaran.R, Kumaresan.A Abstract In this paper, we propose a CBVR (content based video retrieval) method for retrieving a desired object from the abstract video dataset. Recording and storing enormous surveillance video in a dataset for retrieving the main contents of the video is one of the complicated task in terms of time and space. Even though, methods are available for retrieving the main content of a video based on ROI as well as threshold values for retrieving background information key frames, determining the threshold values manually is a complex scenario. So, we propose a method, where we use self-adaptive threshold for determining the background information along with the use of several descriptors to increase the efficiency of determining the contents of the key frames. We can also use CBVR to retrieve the information of a desired object from our abstract dataset. Keywords: Self adaptive threshold, Keyframes, Descriptors, CBVR Introduction The process of providing security plays a major role in all organizations these days. This security can be provided in many ways considering the criticality of the information being secured. Theses security methodologies include providing manual guards around the perimeter or providing electric fence around the infrastructure or any other available effective means of technology available. In spite of the availability of these methodologies, an effective and 247 security could be provided with the help of installation of cameras at the crucial areas of an organization which should be out of reach for the humans. The optimal number of cameras to be installed in an environment could be calculated with respect to [1]. Since these cameras are recording videos with a time scale of 24 hours, the recorded videos are to be stored and analyzed where storing these videos require an enormous database and analyzing these videos require humans to play through the entire video in order to analyze t he incidents occurred where the biggest de-merit is that we cannot skip the videos being played since we would miss the important actions when we, we are in need of a method for extracting the essential events been occurred from the prolonged surveillance videos and storing these events alone in a separate database which would minimize the memory space being utilized for data storage along with minimization of human work to look through the entire videos. We know that the first step in observing videos is to convert it into individual frames or images since the broadcasting of moving visual images form a video. This can be termed as image retrieval. Image retrieval is the process of retrieving images from an enormous database based on the metadata added to the image which could be said as the annotations. But this annotations have some demerits. Annotating images manual is a time consuming work to be done and if images are annotated ambiguously, the user would never get the required results no matter the number of times he search the image database. Several methods for automatic image annotations have been under research due to the advancement in the field of semantic web and social web applications. In spite of the advancements, there is an effective methodology termed CBIR (content based image retrieval), in which feature extraction is basis. These features represent text based features representing keywords as well as annotations whereas visual features correspond to color, texture and faces along with shapes [2]. Since, features plays a major role here, when user inputs an input image, the pixel value of these images are com pared with all the images prevailing in the database and the results given to the user would contain all the images containing a part of the queried image which is an effective way of avoiding annotations to avoid ambiguity. Since we are dealing with videos here, we need an advanced approach from CBIR. 2. Related Work: Speech recognition is an important conc 3. Fast Clustering Method Based on ROI Since users find easy to access online videos easily these days, we are in need of finding an effective way to store and maintain enormous amount of video files facilitating easy and quick access for multiple users. In order to support research in this area, Guang-Hua-Song et al have proposed the fast clustering based on the region of interest (ROI). The authors have employed the average histogram algorithm for the purpose of extracting key frames from each shot. A shot could be defined as the depiction of a particular scene or action. A single shot refers to the action covered by a camera between the start and stop of the recording time which would be normally in the same angle. The extracted key frames are used for the generation of edge maps which contribute the next step in the video abstraction scenario. Based on the above methodologies, the authors have determined the key points. Calculation of threshold values from the respective key frames would be the next step which is done for the purpose of expanding and identifying the area surrounding the key points [9]. The authors have proposed the observation of main content in each of the key frame based on the threshold values defined and the concept of key points. As the final step of their proposed method, they have utilized the ROIs of the key frames and have performed the fast clustering method on them. The different methodologies involve before implementing the fast clustering method along with the implementation of fast clustering methodology is explained in the following sections. A. Key frame Extraction The representation of video sequence would be in the form of a hierarchical structure considering the scene, shot and frame contributing different levels on the hierarchy [10]. Different researches on video sequences requires the researches to deal with the different levels of the video sequence hierarchy with respect to the information needed for their research. Shot is to be considered first for the purpose of key frame extraction. The shot level is chosen at the hierarch among the other available levels due to certain reasons. The sequence of video frames captured continuously by a camera contributed a shot which also would include the moving objects, panning and zooming in terms of the recording camera. We also have a greatest merit with the shot as the two adjacent shot does not have the same content which would obviously eliminate redundancy. The authors have employed the use of algorithm proposed in [11] for the purpose of extracting key frames. The key frame extraction proces s also involves the average histogram method. A shot S = { } of length n is assumed. The kth frame in the assumed shot is represented as . Considering to be the gray level histogram containing L bins could be generated from frame, whereas the calculation of the average histogram H is done based on the following formula: Where represents the value of the ith frame of frame k. After the extraction of key frame, ROIs are generated by adopting a series of key frame analysis this process is followed by saliency map generation and edge map generation. B. Edge Map Detection It is a general concept that we would focus on objects which has a whole shape in the video. So there would be edges within these components. We are in need of determining the key points which would be available inside the objects and so determining edges would make our tracking process easier. The authors have used the canny edge detection scenario with respect to [12]. This process is followed by the location of key points and generation of ROI. C. Fast Clustering In a video sequence, though each shot would be having a different content to portray, some of the shots may look similar to one another in camera angle or facial expression of the people involved or in any other means. Sometimes, a shot would ne manually segmented into many shots and used at different places in a video sequence. The approach of the authors is to make the video sequence compact and thus they have clustered the key frames in order to avoid the redundant frames. Normally, clustering before the entire process of extracting the key frames is done would be of no use since the new frames could not be taken into account. In order to overcome this traditional approach, the authors have used fast clustering in which clustering process starts once the key frame extraction and identifying ROI are done. Even though this approach was good enough to an extent, the authors have not used more effective descriptors to extract more features from the frames for better observation. In addition to this manually setting the threshold to obtain the background information would not be so effective. 4. Application of Self Adaptive Threshold and Descriptors Though the use of assigning the threshold manually works in a better way, setting the threshold manually is a difficult task. So we are in need of an alternate way for setting the threshold which is the adaptive threshold methodology. We propose the use of adaptive threshold in our video abstraction method for the purpose of gaining more knowledge about the objects in the background. In addition to this, we have also made use of several descriptors such as FCTH (Fuzzy Color and Texture Histogram) and SCD (Scalable Color Descriptor). A descriptor is generally used for extracting different kinds of features from an image based on the functionality of a descriptor. Features refers to the different kinds of information that could be extracted from an image which may refer to the color, intensity, pixels, etc. the functionality of FCTH and SCD are discussed as follows: A. FCTH In this type of descriptor, fuzzy is used for gathering information about colors which lie between the pure black and pure white. Here, fuzzy is made used of since the general concept of fuzzy is to deal with all possible scenarios (partial true / partial false ) which lies between the True (1) and False (0) values. B. SCD (Scalable Color Descriptor) SCD is used here for the purpose of extracting information about the colors which are scalable. This scalable colors represent colors which are extended to the nearby boundaries and would be available in a different form within that boundary. C. Algorithm: Distance Vector We are using Distance Vector algorithm in this video abstraction process for the purpose of observing the distance travelled by an object in two subsequent frames in order to determine the motion of the object in a more likely scenario which involves the following steps: Detecting and identifying the boundaries of the moving objects. Extracting ROI (region of interest) of the object within the frame. Searching for the same object in the next subsequent frame. Detecting boundaries and location of the object. Comparing the location of the object and finding its distance moved from the previous frame to the current frame. Repeating the above steps for all the video frames would enable us to find the moving object distance covered for each frame. Updating the distance vector matrix. The overall methodology of the proposed methodology is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Block Diagram of the Proposed Methodology This scenario is applied for minimizing the memory complexity in terms of storing and retrieving enormous 247 surveillance videos where recording and storing of the entire video would increase the demand of memory as well as looking through the entire video to verify a crime scene would be a more complex scenario. In order to overcome this complexity, our method extract the key frames from the entire video and store it in a desired database where only the distinct images would be available minimizing the work of the user to look through a full length video. In addition to that, saving images would have a memory demand much lesser than the demand of the videos. Since we are using descriptors, more detailed information could be extracted from the images. Self-adaptive threshold enables the user to get more details above the objects available in the background which is an added advantage of this methodology. Any sort of frame can be given as a query into the system and the user would ge t the relevant video containing the respective key frame. If the frame is not available in any of the dataset, user would be shown with an error prompt. This process is termed as CBVR. CBVR is similar to CBIR but differs in a way that user would be given a frame (image) as a result in case of CBIR whereas result would be the entire video in case of CBVR. But in both the cases, data is compared and retrieved based on the contents available in the frames. 5. Experimental results We have conducted our experiment with videos available in the MATLAB dataset. First step would be the extraction of key frames based on self-adaptive threshold value which is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Window for Key frame Extraction Key frames are extracted and stored in a destined folder as shown in the Figure 3.   Figure 3. Key frames Stored in the Destined Folder After the key frame extraction, the user can input a key frame of their choice and the contents of all the available videos in the dataset are compared and the respective video containing the requested key frame would be found based on CBVR and retrieved as shown in Figure 4a. The user can click on the play button available at the bottom right to play the entire video containing the requested key frame. If the requested frame is ot found, the user would be prompted with an error message as shown in Figure 4b. Figure 4a. Video is retrieved based on the queried key frame using CBVR Figure 4a. User id prompted with an error message since the requested frame is not found Our experiment have showed a compromising result with more than 80% accuracy. As explained above, this methodology can decrease the memory space demands and the time of the user to spend in looking through the entire videos. 6. Conclusion In this paper, we have proposed a methodology for video abstraction based on several descriptors and self-adaptive threshold. This methodology facilitates user to minimize the memory demands and time demands for looking through the videos. Our methodology also makes use of CBVR for retrieving a video based on the contents with respect to the user requested key frame. The only problem that our methodology faces is the time taken for comparison if the key frame to be searched is available in the final video available in the dataset. Our future work is to concentrate on limiting the time space for comparison in a large video dataset. References [1] Tatsuya Hirahara Figure Captions Fig.1.Optimal Position fo
Friday, September 20, 2019
Property investment decision making
Property investment decision making Introduction and background Within the process of property investment decision-making, increasing attention to the relationship between sustainability and business growth. The terms ‘sustainability refers to the relationship between environment protection and the economic development related with the industry society (Ratcliffe et al, 2009). As well as, property industry is considering of the business development with responsibility of social and environment. Furthermore, the increasing demands for property assts and investment opportunities that comply with the principle of sustainable development. This concept also discussed by McNamara (2005) the environmental friendly building will become more desirable property asset in future years even if it is not reflected in their current value. Therefore, sustainability development is taking in to account of the real estate company business context. Interestingly, Prudential Property Investment Manager Limited (PRUPIM) is the global real estate management company with over  £15billion of assets in more than 800 properties. In 2007, the company introduced ‘Sustainable Development: A Framework for Decision Making which targeted to minimise the business risk and maximise the market opportunities (Moore, 2007). Leads to the main proposal of the report as following; To analyse PRUIM Sustainability Development Framework in the UK real estate market focusing upon business park development. To critically review the Sustainability Development Framework in relation to the portfolio management of PRUPIM. To critically evaluate the Sustainability Development Framework in terms of, environmental scale of development and impact on the investment portfolio. To provide recommendations on improving PRUPIM portfolio in order to competitive advantage in UK real estate market. In particular, area of study in the business park portfolio at The Green Park in Reading and The Oxford Science Park in Oxford by using the interview with two (2) expertises in real estate investment and the academic published literatures. The chapter 1 of this report provides the published literatures review which concerned to sustainability development. The report focuses on the principle of triple bottom line to emphasise the correlation of economical, environmental and social within the sustainability development of real estate portfolio. Furthermore, the author adopted the sustainability development criteria (Sayce et al, 2004) to align the assessment of sustainable development framework of PRUPIM. Furthermore, the author provides business analysis of PRUPIM sustainability development framework by using PESTLE analysis. As well as, to identify the critical success factors of the sustainability framework by using Key Performance Index. In addition, the evaluation of PRUPIM sustainability framework in term of environmental, social and economic context this will be mention on Chapter 2. The chapter 3 of the report provides recommendation in order to short to intermediate term and long term to implementation the sustainability development framework for PRUPIM in further project investment. CHAPTER 1 Sustainability and Real Estate Portfolio Emerging of ‘Sustainability to ‘Sustainable Development Sustainability has become crucial environmental discussions. When an environmental issueis debated in the media, there is frequently a quotation from a scientist or an environmental activist saying that the trend in question is â€Å"unsustainable†. The idea of sustainability becomes crucial nowadays. Regarding to, it is much more powerful rhetorically than an idea like being â€Å"environmental friendly†(Dresner, 2002).Concept of sustainability was likely formed by the World Council of Churched in 1974 in the report of Ecumenical Study Conference on Science and Technology for Human Development (World Council of Churched, 1974). The environmentalist proposed for response to developing world objection to concerning to the environment when human being in many parts of the world suffers from lack of food and unemployment. Therefore, the concept of sustainable development was put forward by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in 1980 (I nternational of Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1980). Furthermore, sustainability issue within the real estate industry has been examined by a number of authors. Pivo and McNamara (2005) defined sustainability and the concept of responsibility property investment (RPI) as to maximize the positive effects and minimize the negative effects of property ownership, management and development on the social order and the natural environment in a way that is consistent with investor satisfactions and reliable responsibilities. Francesco and Levy (2008) also examined this definition within the others literature, the term â€Å"sustainability†might be viewed as providing a framework for adopting investment principle which provide correlation to the economic, social and the natural environments that effectively utilise resources for the current and future generations. As a consequence, sustainability considers the three main elements of economic accomplishment, social development and environmental friendly. With respect of, the social environment, the emphasis is on changing the behaviour of real estate market participants to become more aware of day-today sustainable living. As a result, sustainability is significantly important for over thirty years the concept has been developed by the scientists, the environmentalists and the social activists. At the initial stage of the discussion in sustainability concept was generated to the awareness of the quality of life for human being, which related to the social welfare and standardise of living of the future generation. Moreover, sustainability in real estate business has been developed under the circumstance of economic growth, environment protection and social wealth consideration to maximising benefits and minimising negative impact to the building owners, developers, and occupiers in term of society responsibility and environmental friendly. Moving forward to the term of ‘sustainability development according to, Dresner (2002), has been discussed sustainability and sustainable development finally came to prominences in 1987, when the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development published the Brundtland report which identified the way to square the circle of competing demands for environmental protection and economical development through out the new scheme of ‘sustainable development. The summary of the Brundtland report in 1987 has been defined sustainable development as ‘meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs needs (Dresner, 2002). Interestingly, Sayce et al., (2004) also have discussed the term of sustainable development became significantly important topic for many governments over the 20th century, following, the Rio de Janeiro declaration in 1992. In this summit, the represent of many countries across the world signed the agreement of principle of sustainable development and actions at international, national and local level. The global agenda is a set of eight main principles that governments should be certify; The fundamental of human rights to the environmental that is sufficient to people healthy and well-being; The preservation and proper use of the environment and built environment that profit to current and future generations; The encouragement of bio-diversity to ensure eco-system protection; The monitoring of environmental standards and publication of related information; The prior evaluation of environmental impacts from the development projects; The all individuals are informed of planned activities and given right to justice; The conservation is integrated to the planning and implementation of development activities; The co-ordination with other state towards mutual implementation. Additionally, Sayce et al., (2004) has been examined the eight principles of sustainable development in scale of the continental and country level as the European Union and the United Kingdom. According to, the Agenda 21 from the Rio 1992 summit. The plan for completing the sustainability development in business as the sets of great challenges for everyone and in this mean time, a combination of governmental legislation, political pressure and increased awareness on the part of the public, places the onus on all professional people to conduct their business in such a way that it does not conflict with the ambition of UK government to promote sustainable development. Sustainable development affects to all those concerned with the creation and maintenance of the built environment. The essence of sustainable development requires that in all development activity, due account is taken of both the short and long term of the activity for all those affected. The professionals in this field h ave a unique opportunity and obligation, whether they are developers, planning advisers, architects, contractors, building surveyors, property agents or investors. One of the key decisions for buildings that have implications for sustainable development is whether to demolish or retain an existing building. Economically, the decision may seem relatively simple but if the principle of sustainable development as to adopted, the implications become more complex the UK, Sustainable Development Strategy does not mean having less economic development: on the contrary, a healthy economy is better able to generate the resources to meet peoples needs and new investment and environmental improvement often go hand in hand†¦. What it requires is that decisions throughout society are taken with proper regard to their environmental impact. More recently, sustainability development relevance to social responsibility in real estate investment in term of, Social Responsibility Property Investment: SRPI. The property investors have become to be attentive of more ethical and environmental protection in the business development (Rapson et al., 2007). The fundamental of developing built environment to sustainable development required well-documented and becoming to increasingly well-recognised along the property community (Pivo and McNamara, 2005; WWF and Insight Investment, 2005; Morley Fund Management Ltd, 2005). Particularly, the commercial sustainability development implications the developers shall be determine the term of development location, the re-use of land, environmental reservation and â€Å"green buildings design†either to, the practices, method and materials employed (Keeping and Shiers, 2004) The progress forward to sustainability in real estate portfolio to date has mostly been downward to the work of architects and engineers on the development and construction part. On the other hand, there have BREEAM and the â€Å"Green Guide†series taken the responsibility to the production of new material of construction and the design as well as, the assessment criteria of sustainable development in property business (Rapson et al., 2007). According to McNamara (2005) cited in Rapson et al., (2007) has been discussed sustainability development have been developed from the circle of problem in the real estate and construction business between engineers or architect, developers, investors and occupiers. Sustainability development could be based on the development from technical knowledge, energy efficient factors and ethical in the business to the persuasion the developers and the investors to realize and interest in the business strategy. In summary, sustainability has been established over three decade from the group of people those concern to environmentally protection and well-being in the community. From the globalization agreement moved forward to continental scale and government policy of sustainable development. The term sustainability and sustainable development have been examined by a number of authors. In contract, Sustainable development has been developed from conflict in the cycle of real estate and construction. Next section will be explained why sustainability development is significantly important in the UK. Why sustainable development has taken placed in UK real estate and construction business? As Sayce et al., 2004 has been discussed the reason why sustainable development taking into account of real estate and construction. According to, the property and construction industry is significantly important to the UK economy and realisations the buildings have been relevance to all activities take place. People in the UK spent over half of their lives inside buildings. The good quality of work place should be affected the performance of the workers in theirs building and leads into the business growth as the result of sustainable development. Furthermore, construction industry is significantly important to indicate the wealth of the UKs annuals GDP. The report, ‘Construction in the UK economy: The Benefits of Investment (CBI, 2009) illustrated that sustainability development in construction and real estate industry is the best sector for stimulating employment. According to, every  £1 spent on construction business could be generated in the UK GDP growth to  £2.84, as the spending not only creates construction output worth  £1, but also stimulates growth elsewhere in the economy worth  £1.Consequently, the relationship between sustainable development in real estate and construction industry in the UK and the other parts of the economy, as well as, its crucial contribution to the numerous other social and economic contexts including the regional development and employment. The construction and real estate industry as a whole has to increase the attention into the broader environmental and social agenda. That this, presented by the concept of sustainable development regarding to the built environment affects to all human activities (Curwell and Cooper, 1998). Additionally, in 1999, the Kyoto Protocol is an agreement made under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. In 1999, targets were agreed worldwide on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; the target for the European Union was to reduce emissions to 8 per cent below 1990 levels by 2008-2012 (DTI, 2004).The UK has set itself the goal of reducing the gas emissions by 8-12 per cent by 2010 with respect of the global agreements, sustainability has been highlight on the UK government policy. Later on the same year in 1999, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change has been published the strategy document ‘A better quality of life: Strategy for Sustainable De velopment for the United Kingdom (Tucker et al., 2009). The report is focused on social development in order to, recognize the needs of everyone, environmental protection, carefully use of natural resources and maintain the high level of economic growth and employment (DEFRA, 1999). The department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions: DETR (2000) also introduced the regulations to monitoring real estate and construction sectors to achieve of more sustainable development. The main proposes for more profitable and competitive, delivery customers satisfaction and value added by provide the sustainability building, with respect to create maximization of shareholder wealth. As well as, enhancing and protecting environmental and natural resources. And minimizing the impact of energy consumption particularly, carbon-based and natural resources. As a result, sustainable development has been contributed from three main contents in term of social, environmental and economic growth. The following section would be presented the significantly important of sustainability development in the equity of society, environment and economy principle. The triple bottom line principle (TBL) With the advent of sustainability development paradigm in real estate sector, corporations is become to move into economic conception of responsibility and influence the business strategy in response to environmental protection and changing society expectation (Robinson, 2000). Interestingly, Sayce et al., (2004, p.3) stated in building sustainability in balance of TBL principle as ‘The sustainable development context has three main aspects to be concern in term of Economic, Environmental and Social. The balance of these three elements is said to comply with the principle of the triple bottom line (TBL). Increasingly, corporate bodies are adopting TBL principle in developing their business activities. This is partly in response to legislative imperatives and partly due to an increasing realisation that compliance with and promotion of social and environmental well-being is good for business . In term of, economic factor refers to financial viability. These include issues of competitiveness advantage, employment, market development and long-term profitability. Economic sustainability is increasingly implicit of value added creation in broader rather than conventional financial accounting. Economical and financial aspects of sustainability development therefore, may be encompassing to decrease operations costs along the management system and emerging the new market through rigorous business integrity policies. As well as, increase productivity and high performance from a motivated workforce and workplace. And attract a new investor by offering opportunity in social responsible investment (ICC, 2002) As Jamali (2006) has been investigated environmental issues in sustainability development is focused on the impact from business activities to natural system, ecology system, and natural resources for instance, land, air and water. The responsible in environmental engage to comply with government regulations. In generally, the sustainable development in environmentally context also concerned to initiative of recycling and energy efficient. And it has been involved a comprehensive approach to a companys operations, products and that including the business product assessment, operations processes and services. Furthermore sustainability development in environmental point of view is focused on eliminating waste from the property during the under construction period until the project completion and hand-over to the customers; maximizing the efficiency and productivity of all assets and resources; and minimizing practice that might be negatively affect the natural resources for the future generations. The social element is become to corporate sustainability in term of centralize on the impact of the organization on the social activities. Particularly in the real estate sectors, social responsibility expectation of diverse groups either, internal and external stakeholders. As well as interest groups comprising civil society are actually considered and skillfully balanced. The social bottom line incorporated topics for instance, public health, society issues, public controversies, education and training, social justice, workplace safety, working environmental, human rights, equal opportunity and labour rights (Jamali, 2006). Therefore, sustainability is crucial in the property company business strategy to being balance between economic growth and the responsibility of environmental and social performance over the long term. Notwithstanding the compelling principle of TBL, the economic performance in the property company is controversial issues of its reliability and sustainability g rowth and thus as fundamentally element of the corporate social responsibility (CSR). However, to become social responsibility is increasingly understood to both involvement the environmental stewardship and concern to social activities (Windsor, 2001). Therefore, the challenge facing to the property company nowadays to becoming considered the principle of triple bottom line as a whole for generate and develop the business strategy in order to complying the sustainable development. Hence, the criteria assessment of sustainability development is essentially focus topics. The following section would be examined the sustainable development criteria from the published literature and leads to assessment the existing sustainable development framework of PRUPIM in chapter 2.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Government Censorship :: Internet Censoring Government Essays
Government Censorship Thesis: Government Censorship would damage the atmosphere of the freedom to express ideas on the Internet; therefore, government should not encourage censorship. The Internet is a wonderful place of entertainment and education but like all places used by millions of people, it has some murky corners people would prefer children not to explore. In the physical world society as a whole conspires to protect children, but there are no social or physical constraints to Internet surfing. The Internet Censorship Bill of 1995, also known as the Exon/Coats Communications Decency Act, has been introduced in the U.S. Congress. It would make it a criminal offense to make available to children anything that is indecent, or to send anything indecent with "intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass" ("Stop the Communications ..." n.p.). The goal of this bill as written (though not as stated by its proponents) is to try to make all public discourse on the Internet suitable for young children. The issue of whether is it necessary to have censorship on the Internet is being argued all over the world. There are numerous homepages on the World Wide Web discussing this issue, or asking people to sign the petition to stop government censorship. The Internet was originally a place for people to freely express their ideas worldwide. It is also one of America's most valuable types of technology; scientists use email for quick and easy communication. They post their current scientific discoveries on the Usenet newsgroups so other scientists in the same field of study all over the world can know in minutes. Ordinary people use the Net for communication, expressing their opinions in the newsgroups, obtaining up-to-date information from the WWW, acquiring files by using FTP, etc. Censorship would damage the atmosphere of the freedom to express ideas on the Internet; therefore, government should not encourage censorship. In the Internet community, there is a large volume of technical terms. For this reason, it is first necessary to examine the terminology specific to Internet. The Internet is a world wide computer network. The "Net" is frequently used in place of Internet. In the words of Allison and Baxter, two experts on Internet Censorship at the Monash University, "the Internet is comprised of various digital media subsuming many of the distinct roles of traditional media" (Allison and Baxter 3). Electronic mail (email), which is one component of the Internet, approximates person to person letters, memoranda, notes and even phone calls.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
My Life Long Friends :: Friendship Essay
My Life Long Friends         Looking around my living room, I see my greatest friends of my life are all around me on my book shelves. Every book I lift off the shelf pinpoints a time in my life. They represent all the joy, sorrow, and laughter felt in my life.  The large, shiny red poetry book my father read to me reminds me of all of these. It is probably my favorite. Then I recall my people friends that attended school with me through the years. What great fun they were! I doubt I'll ever forget the smell of my kindergarten class and my first meeting with Belle Hudson. As I get older, I realize how precious that friendship was.  It taught me how to be a friend and what I have seen in her is what I have looked for in friends ever since. Now as an adult, I see Belle in friends like Tiffany, Rachelle and it seems my favorite characters in my books have always reminded me a bit of Belle. Belle had a profound effect on me in childhood as well as later on in life. She was my finest friend throughout grammar and Junior High school. We fancied relishing our lunches together. Laughing about the boys' wicked ways and planning our revenge at the ensuing recess. This always made lunch go by so swiftly. It was hard to tear us apart. Hell, it was hard to tell us apart. We were both round bodied and a bit out of shape. But I always saw Belle in a jovial light. She had a merry way about her, and her laugh was infectious; it reminded me if Christmas bells, tingly, jingling and warm. I miss her. She was happy, giving and warm. Upon reflection, these are the attributes I look for in friends.         Rachelle holds a special place in my heart.  I work with her and have found her to be a superb listener and always seems to know how to dole out the right advice. It seems no issue is too large to solve, and I would love to duplicate her upbeat nature in me. It was our mutual interest in books, not our hiring at the same company that brought us together. She desperately wants to be a great writer. I know she will be.  As our friendship deepens, she has helped me realize my own potential. Although younger than I, Rachelle has lived a much tougher life. I could say I know this as hear her words of
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