Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Taj Mahal free essay sample
The magnificent monument in India is the every lover’s journey, it is the ultimate tribute to love, a stunning piece of marble which reflects the image of love and beauty. it was built by Mughaual empire Shah Jahal as a dedicate monument to his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. Taj Mahal is now in the Top of the list of Seven Wonders of the World and as a UNESCO world heritage site. The Taj Mahal is one of the world’s famous tourist attractions and one of the most beautiful structure composition in the world, it is located in the city of Agra in Northern India. Shah Jahal had first met her when she was fourteen, and he was fifteen, he had immediately fallen in love with her and could not get married until she was nineteen years old. The name of â€Å"Mumtaz Mahal†is meant by â€Å"The chosen one of the Palace†as it diverts the beauty name of his beloved. We will write a custom essay sample on The Taj Mahal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Shah Jahal was Muslim ruler of the Mughal empire in India from 1628 to 1658. The construction began in 1632, the complex was designed by master of architects one of them was the chief architect Ustad Ahmed Lahawari an Indian of Persian descent, the renowned Islamic architect of that time. The Taj Mahal is an excellent example of magnificent architectural beauty took 22 years to be built in which the project began in 1632 C. E and completed in 1648 C. E, the complex is entirely built of white marbles which reflects hues according to the intensity of sunlight or moonlight. Thousands of elephants carried the construction materials to the construction site for hundreds of miles. 20,000 workers from India, Persia and other countries from the world where in the construction of this admirable building. The cost of Taj Mahal structure costs 32 Million Rupees which was an enormous amount at that time, the beauty architect still exists and it is the most famous tourist attraction in the world. The death of Mumtaz Mahal was so overpowering for Shah Jahal as he starved himself away without food and drinks for a week. When he appeared, his hair and bear had turned white. Whole of north India had proclaimed to the mourning for his wife along with him. Above all, on the banks of the river Yumna Jehal had selected a site for Mumtaz Mahal burial in his capital city of Agra in which he invited leading Architects from different countries to submit a designs for a monument for his beloved wife, Ustad Ahmed was one of the demanding task , in addition Ismail Lenan who came from Istanbul, Turkey and Armant Khan were employed as masters of Art. Together with Ustad Ahmed and other architects some say that an Italian architect called Verona had designed the great monument but he died when he was on his way to Lahore. However, this story is not dominant or firmly believed as there exists many counter views. The entire design of the Taj mahal is compeletely symmettrical with four minarets at each corner of the tomb, the walls of the tomb were laid with beautiful designs of flowered traced with precious stones to reflect Mumtaz beauty, besides the caligraohy of the Taj Mahal have inscriptions of 99 names of God written by a Persian Calligraphy Armanat Khan. Above all, a water channel studded with fountain runs through the center of the complex, a rows of Cyprus trees is bordered on either sides which symbolizes death. The admirable building is made of precious marbles and stones, the white marbles were obtained from Makrana, as well as it is covered with fine writing that consists many of verses from Koran, moreover the marbles produces a stunning appearance that changes dramatically as the light changes. Distinctive materials were used in this great structure such as Diamonds which arrived from legendary Golconda in India, Quartz from Himalayas, mother-of-pearl and rare shells from the Indian ocean, turquoise came from Tibet, jade and crystal from China, onyx from Persia and carnelian from Baghdad. In the past it was difficult to transport construction materials and trucks were not available at that time, for this reason more than 1000 of Elephants and a lot of resources were used to carry the construction materials for hundreds of miles. A British viceroy called Lord Curzon made a great deal of restoration as he ordered the restoration of the entire complex with original materials such as replacing the larbe marble slabs and red sandstones that have worn out with new stones matching the design of the carving, If I had never done anything else in India, I have written my name here, and the letters are a living joy. ( Lord Curzon, the British Governor-General , in addition he made a new renovation of the Taj Mahal garden including the main gate of the . n 2004, a night viewing of full moon day has been announced by Taj Mahal which reflects a beautiful image of this great structure. To prevent pollution, convential cars are banned within a 500- meter from the monument. The Taj mahal is more than just a histyotrical magnifence monument built by the muhjual emperor shah, it is the ultimate honor of love, it’s a romantic building monument for his beloved wife, in fact it is a famous tourist attraction and considere d as one of world’s seven wonders.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on The Aztecs
The Aztecs are Native American people who created a rich civilization and powerful empire in central and southern Mexico from the 14th to the 16th century. They were one of the largest and most advanced Indian nations to ever exist on earth. The Aztecs life style was better than many Europeans of that time but they lacked the military technology of the Europeans. The Aztec nation is more unique in its history, economy, geography and way of life then any other nation at that time. About three thousand years ago small bands of hunting and gathering tribes made their way across the land bridge and migrated southward through Canada and the United States. Eventually they settled in the valley of Mexico. For the next two thousand years the tribes of the valley constantly fought each other for the control of the land. It wasn’t until the eleventh century that the Aztec tribe began their migration in to the valley. They came from their mythical mysterious homeland Aztlan. The conflict in the Central Valley continued and the Aztecs were constantly at war with their neighbors. It seems at first that the other tribes in the area would defeat the Aztecs, but they would prevail and create one of the most powerful Indian tribes in the area. By the 14th century the Aztec civilization flourished they began to construct several great cities in the valley of Mexico. In the days of the Aztec, the area was covered with a series of small lakes. This included lake Texcoco, which had an island in the center. The Aztecs built their greatest city on the island. It would become known as Tenochtitlan and would become their capital. Tenochtitlan was a pre-Columbian city in central Mexico and capital of the Aztecs. It lies on the site of present-day Mexico City. It was founded in 1325 originally on an island in what was Lake Texcoco. It became a flourishing city, protected against floods by well-built dams and connected with the mainland by three causeways. A... Free Essays on The Aztecs Free Essays on The Aztecs The Aztecs are Native American people who created a rich civilization and powerful empire in central and southern Mexico from the 14th to the 16th century. They were one of the largest and most advanced Indian nations to ever exist on earth. The Aztecs life style was better than many Europeans of that time but they lacked the military technology of the Europeans. The Aztec nation is more unique in its history, economy, geography and way of life then any other nation at that time. About three thousand years ago small bands of hunting and gathering tribes made their way across the land bridge and migrated southward through Canada and the United States. Eventually they settled in the valley of Mexico. For the next two thousand years the tribes of the valley constantly fought each other for the control of the land. It wasn’t until the eleventh century that the Aztec tribe began their migration in to the valley. They came from their mythical mysterious homeland Aztlan. The conflict in the Central Valley continued and the Aztecs were constantly at war with their neighbors. It seems at first that the other tribes in the area would defeat the Aztecs, but they would prevail and create one of the most powerful Indian tribes in the area. By the 14th century the Aztec civilization flourished they began to construct several great cities in the valley of Mexico. In the days of the Aztec, the area was covered with a series of small lakes. This included lake Texcoco, which had an island in the center. The Aztecs built their greatest city on the island. It would become known as Tenochtitlan and would become their capital. Tenochtitlan was a pre-Columbian city in central Mexico and capital of the Aztecs. It lies on the site of present-day Mexico City. It was founded in 1325 originally on an island in what was Lake Texcoco. It became a flourishing city, protected against floods by well-built dams and connected with the mainland by three causeways. A...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Death penalty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4
Death penalty - Essay Example This essay will outline the debate on death penalty and provide an in-depth explanation of the proponents and opponents of the issue and their differing attitudes. The United States is one of the few nations of the world, which still employs death penalty as a form of punishment for some crimes. The penalty is considered as barbaric and contrary to the values of humanity, as well as American values of human treatment of individuals. However, there are some people who do not object to the death penalty and consider it as a crucial tool that can be employed in the fight against some that have a huge impact on the victim. There are some instances when an innocent person may be hanged to death yet they have not committed any crime. Such mistaking of criminals has led to numerous objections of the death penalty. Since the 1950s, most of the Americans have supported death penalty. There has been, however, tremendous changes in the attitudes towards death penalty since this time with few people supporting execution of murder criminals during the 1960s and 1970s. During the mid-1990s, the debate on death penalty took a new twist with a lot of emphasis been placed on the gender and racial aspects of death penalty. The support for death penalty was low among the blacks, women, as well as Hispanics while white males supported death penalty. Numerous polls conducted in the United States have sought to get know the attitudes of American public towards death penalty. From the studies conducted, it is clear that the attitudes of people towards death penalty are guided by their emotions (Lerne and Wilmoth 234). In the United States, criminal punishment has been riddled with controversy with some people opposing it on the grounds that what motivates law enforcers is revenge as opposed to ensuring that the victims get justice. In most instances, the United States law convicts criminals to death penalties in the case of murders. People who support this point of view hold
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Firm Research Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Firm Research - Term Paper Example In order to spread its business across the United States, the company follows a franchising business expansion strategy. Five Guys increased its number of locations 6 in 2002 to more than 670 in 2010 (Restaurant, 2011). The company has received several awards for its quality foods and service efficiency. Although Five Guys was rated as one of the fast developing and most profitable food chains in US in recent years, it still does little amount of business the federal government. Since Five Guys is a small business, the company has to take several actions to be able to participate in federal government contracting actions. Firstly, Five Guys has to register with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) in order to be a federal contractor. The CCR is an online data-base of companies maintained by the federal government so as to find firms wanted to do business with the government. Governmental agencies will search this database to choose prospective partners. Once this registration process is completed, the company should enter its business profile information on the Dynamic Small Business Search page. As per SBA guidelines, by creating a business profile in CCR and Dynamic Small Business Search and keeping the profile information up to date, Five Guys can ensure that it has access to various federal contracting opportunities. Five Guys’ business profile containing detailed business information would assist contracting officers, prime contractors, and state and local government buyers to learn well about the organization. If the organization has competitive strengths and capabilities over other, it will be chosen immediately (U. S. Small Business Administration, n.d). It is a general misconception that small business organizations have to compete head to head with large corporations to win contracts. In reality, the federal government has created wide categories of
Monday, November 18, 2019
Project management for business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Project management for business - Essay Example A positive variance is considered good because it indicates that the project is under budget and is ahead of the pre-defined project schedule. Positive variances are useful in re allocating resources and capital from the positive variance tasks to the tasks having negative variance so as to maintain adequate balance and consistency in the project. The opposite happens for negative variances. Two key ratios are used in the earning value analysis. These are Cost Performance Index (CPI) and the SPI. An index of more than 1 is consider good as it indicates that the project is under budget and is age had of the fixed schedule (Philipson and Antvik, 2009). The opposite goes for a performance index lower than 1. The report discusses the importance of project role, process responsibilities and stakeholder management with respect to a prestigious project of the government of the United Kingdom which is the National Programme for Information Technology (NPfIT) of National Health Service (NHS). The report identifies the key reasons of the management of the project which led to the subsequent failure of the project. The report is structured with a background given on the relevant project, a discussion of the key factors affecting the project and suitable recommendations given in order to establish how the project can be sufficiently improved. The National Programme for Information Technology (NPfIT) is an important systems project started by the government of United Kingdom. The project has been criticised due to the huge number of loopholes that have been identified on the project structure and the key aspects of project management. Project roles, responsibilities and stakeholder management are key aspects which decide the success or failure of a project. Therefore, the following report is prepared with the view of identifying these key aspects of the National Programme for Information Technology (NPfIT) and
Friday, November 15, 2019
Sony group corporate
Sony group corporate INTRODUCTION Strategic management Strategic management can be defined as consisting of the analysis, decisions and actions an organization undertakes in order to create and sustain competitive advantages. Key attributes of Strategic Management Directs the organization toward overall goals and objectives. Includes multiple stakeholders in decision making. Needs to incorporate short-term and long-term perspectives. Recognizes trade-offs between efficiency and effectiveness. Strategy can be developed at many levels in a multi-layered organisation there may be: Corporate level strategy Business level strategy Functional level strategy Corporate level strategy describes a corporations overall direction in terms of its general philosophy towards growth and the management of its various business units. Such strategies determine the type of a business a corporation wants to be in and what business units should acquired, modified and sold. This strategy addresses the question what business are we in? Devising a strategy for a multidivisional company like Sony involves at least four types of initiatives. Establishing investment priorities and steering corporate resources into the most attractive business units. Initiating actions to improve the combined performance of those business units that the corporation first got into. Finding ways to improve the synergy among related business units in order to increase performance. Decisions dealing with diversification. Business level strategy deals with decisions and actions pertaining to each business unit. The main objective of a business level strategy is to make the unit more competitive in market place. This level strategy addresses the question how do we compete? Although business level strategy is guided by upstream corporate level strategy business unit management must craft a strategy that is appropriate for its own operating situation. Miles and Snow (1984) identified four modes of strategic orientation: Defenders, Prospectors, Analysers and Reactors. These strategies can help explain why companies facing similar environmental threats or opportunities behave differently and why they continue to do so over a long period of time. In turn the different competitive or business strategies influence the down stream functional strategies. Functional level strategy pertains to the major functional operations within the business unit, including research and development, marketing, manufacturing, finance, and human resource productivity and addresses the question how do we support the business level competitive strategy? The three levels of strategy corporate, business and functional form a hierarchy of strategy within in a large multidivisional corporation. Different levels of strategy of Sony Sony Corporation was founded by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita in 1946, now having head quarters at Minato, Tokyo, Japan. Sony is one of the biggest electronics in the world with revenue 7.7 trillion yen. Sony are making products like Consumer professional electronic equipments, Communication information-related equipments, Semiconductor, Electronic devices and components, Battery, Chemicals, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sony Music, PlayStation and Blu-Ray devices. Sony Corporation as a giant organization has divided its organization into five main business units as Sony Pictures, Sony Computer, Sony Music Sony Ericsson, and Sony Financial. Sony Corporation has its own corporate strategy, and the each of its five business units having their own business strategy. Corporate Strategy Business level strategy Functional level strategy In Sony Group Corporate Strategy Update FY2008 FY2010 Sony has set out some goals and revealed about its corporate strategy. In particular, the company will focus on strengthening core businesses, enhancing network initiatives and leveraging international growth opportunities to build for the future and drive further growth and profits. Main considerations in the strategy of Sony are, Further strengthening the core business Network initiatives Capitalize on Growth in BRIC Countries and Other Emerging Markets Environmental Initiatives Financial Strategies for the Mid-Term A good strategy always leads an organization towards success and improvement, in the other way a bad or inefficient strategy always takes that organization into losses and bad reputation. As we know that Japanese are good at management and most of other countries are try to implement Japanese management techniques. The term is a Japanese word adopted into English referring to a philosophy or practices focusing on continuous improvement in manufacturing activities, business activities in general, and even life in general, depending on interpretation and usage. Sony Corporation was good at strategic plans by applying these management strategies. As we discussed earlier a bad or inefficient strategy leads the organization into bad reputation, in the case of Sony they are failed to implement an efficient strategy which Sonys net profit for the July-September quarter for 2006 falling 94% to 1.7 billion Yen, compared to 28.5 billion Yen for the same period last year. From there they are tr ying to implement better strategies and to regain their reputation and brand value and to regain their number one position in electronics industry. Portfolio approach to strategy Portfolio approach was one of the early approaches to chart strategy and allocate resources in multi-business organizations. As corporate strategists jumped on the diversification bandwagon they soon found a challenge in managing the resource needs diverse businesses and their strategic missions, particularly in times of limited resources. Responding to that challenge the Boston Consulting Group pioneered an approach called portfolio techniques that attempted to help managers balance the flow of cash resources among their various businesses while also identifying their basic strategic purpose within the overall portfolio. The top managers at larger farms need a method for spotting product lines that deserve more investment as well as lines that arent living up to expectations. So they conduct a portfolio analysis, in which they evaluate they evaluate their companys products and divisions to determine which are strongest and which are weakest. Much as securities analysts review their portfolios of stocks and bonds, deciding which to retain and which to discard. Strategic business unit (SBU) Strategic business units are the key business units within diversified firms. Each SBU has its own managers, resources, objectives, and competitors. A division, product line or a single product may define the boundaries of an SBU. Each SBU pursues its own distinct mission and often develops its own plans independently of other units in the organization. BCG matrix To evaluate each of their organizations SBUs, marketers need some type of portfolio performance framework. A widely used framework was developed by Boston Consulting Group. This market share/ market growth matrix places SBUs in a four quadrant chart that plots market share against market growth potential. The position of an SBU along the horizontal axis indicates its market share relative to those of competitors in the industry. Its position along the vertical axis indicates the annual growth rate of the market. After plotting all of a firms business units, planners divide them according to the matrixs four quadrants as shown in the figure. Stars represent High market share and High growth rate. These products or SBUs are high growth market leaders. Although they generate considerable income, they need inflows of even more cash to finance further growth. Cash cows command High market share in Low growth markets. Marketers for such an SBU want to maintain this status for as long as possible. The business produces string cash flows, but instead of investing heavily in the units own promotions and production capacity, the firm can use this cash to finance the growth of other SBUs with higher growth potentials. Question marks achieve Low market share in higher growth markets. Marketers must decide weather to continue supporting these products or SBUs, because question marks typically require considerably more cash than they generate. If a question mark cannot become a star, the firm should pull out of the market and target other markets with greater potential. Dogs manage only Low market share in Low growth markets. SBUs in this category promise poor future prospects, and marketers should withdraw from these businesses or SBUs as quickly as possible. In some cases these products can be sold to other firms where they are better fit. Drawbacks of BCG matrix Ignore the dynamism of markets. Omit the true value of competitor activity. Competitor reaction is not embraced in the model and the related concept of market share does not substitute for the strategic dimension known as sustainable advantage. Refer only to one dimension of market attractiveness (market growth) and omits other valuable dimensions such as nature of competitors, potential size, company capability and barriers to market entry. Exclude the interrelationships between SBUs which are so important in building strategy. Be essentially deterministic in nature, in that service position within one of quadrants demands a strategic direction which is well rehearsed from previous experiences. BCG fails to recognise that strategic direction also relies on marketing acumen and creativity which might suggest a risk strategy in given circumstances rather than the predictable route. GE matrix To overcome the drawbacks listed for the BCG matrix a portfolio approach evolved which is GE matrix. GE matrix is similar to BCG matrix but in GE matrix it is having nine cells for more accurate analysis and also it take Industry attractiveness and Business strength as the parameters. Industry attractiveness is determined by parameters Market size Industry rivalry Demand variability Market growth rate Industry profitability Global opportunities Macro environmental factors Business strength is determined by Market share Distribution channel access Profit margins relative to competitors Brand equity Growth in market share Production capacity Conclusion Here in this report we discussed about different levels of strategy and how the flow of hierarchy works in organizations. We also discussed about Sony Corporations corporate strategy and the other levels of strategy and how Sony implementing its strategy. Portfolio approach to strategy development is widely used approach while developing a strategy, BCG matrix is one of the most popular portfolio approaches to strategic development. Here we also discussed about pits and falls of BCG matrix and we also discussed about GE matrix and how it overcome the drawbacks of BCG matrix. References Burgelman RA, Christensen CM Wheelwright SC, 2004, Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation, 4th edn, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Human Resource Management: Theory and PracticeBy John Bratton, Jeffrey Gold Strategic Management: Creating Competitive AdvantagesBy Gregory G. Dess, Marilyn L. Taylor Formulation, implementation, and control of competitive strategyBy John A. Pearce, Richard Braden Robinson Tourism marketing: a collaborative approachBy Alan Fyall, Brian Garrod Contemporary MarketingBy David L. Kurtz Strategic management: a fresh approach to developing skills, knowledge and creativity By Paul Joyce, Adrian Woods
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Archetypes In Raising Arizona :: essays research papers
Raising Arizona      In the movie â€Å"Raising Arizona†a lot of Archetypes (a pattern consisting on literary elements found in all literature regards) are used throughout. Ethan and Joel Coen turned a serious subject like kidnapping, into a hysterical comedy. The use of archetypes are strong, the movie is basically one big archetype. The uses are archetypes are found within the language, plot, and character. When looking at the different archetypes they all seemed to fall under the category of characters. The three characters that are the strongest points of archetypes are Linard Smalls, Nathan Arizona, and H.I. McDonnough.      Linard Smalls has a rough edge to him. He is the evil guy of the story, or the biker â€Å"of the apocalypse.†The outfit he wears is tired and worn. It contains furs and leathers off all sorts of animals, and a hawk skull is worn around his neck. Along with the worn outfit he wears a layer of caked on dirt and debris that tell of where he has been. In introducing himself to Nathan Arizona he calls himself â€Å"a man hunter, or tracker of sorts. Some say even part hound dog.†â€Å"When some dink breaks out of the joint or skips bail I’m the one they call.†This evil bad guy is willing to turn good for a small price of fifty-thousand dollars. If Nathan Arizona wont pay, someone in the black market will. in the end Linard is killed by one of his own grenades. He lead to his own death.      Nathan (Huffhinds) Arizona is a funny character. Even while his son is missing â€Å"business is as usual at Unfinished Arizona.†While he is being interviewed in the beginning he isn’t even sure of which of his children where taken. When asked which child was taken his responds was â€Å"Nathan Jr. I think.†All through the movie it seems that all Nathan is concerned about is his business. When Linard offers to help he refuses his help and threatens him with the cops.      H.I. McDonnough has the most going on. he is bad gone good, and then gone good to gone bad again. We start off in the beginning with his introducing himself. He is â€Å"a repeat offender†of the law. he robs convenient stores and somehow always manages to let himself be caught. When he is brought to jail he finds â€Å"a pretty desert flower†Ed (Edwina). The bad guy, H.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Green River company Essay
Aberdeen facility is focused on the production of special missile canisters for US Navy. The peculiarity of the production lies in its extraordinary complexity. Canisters have many features that require special attention and careful assembling. Thus, the commitment of workers is the issue of crucial importance. Otherwise, the quality of product will suffer, which is absolutely inadmissible with regard to the nature of production. The privileged position of Aberdeen plant lies in the fact that it doesn’t actually have any competitors. It works for the only customer US Navy. However, it contains hidden threats as well, because there is always a chance of neglecting a quality of product knowing that there is no fight for a customer. The Aberdeen plant was started five years ago without using unions to regulate pay scales and define various job descriptions. It employs 100 employees and is much smaller in size than the Green River facility. The production line utilizes three-quarters of its employees. Bob Lancaster – the founder and the first manager of the plant  first introduced the innovative participative management. Lancaster based his management theory on â€Å"doing the right thing, trust and if you can fix it, do it†. This functioned as a collective, it took away fear from doing or not doing what is needed to complete a task and it also gave each individual the responsibility of solving a problem without having to go through a chain of command to get results. Ken Dailey, Green River plant manager, is intrigued with the management processes at the FMC Aberdeen facility and thus is willing to implement similar changes at Green River. Dailey is a progressive manager and wants to innovate the Green River plant with a progressive style of management as well as three new plants that the corporation plans on building. The major organizational issue pertaining to the possible changes is that of an organizational structure. Obviously, within the Green River plant we notice usual linear structure of organization where authority is delegated from the top to the bottom, from the higher manager to the manager of the lower level. There is a direct relationship between superior and subordinate, with each subordinate responsible to only one person. Line relationships are associated with functional or departmental division of work and organizational control. Line managers have authority and responsibility for all matters and activities within their own department (Sterman, 2000). It means that organizational structure at Green River doesn’t suppose any personal initiative or any social interaction beyond the processes and functions defined. Moreover, linear structure also doesn’t suppose any group discussions, since major decisions are taken above. In contrary, Aberdeen facility has more flat organizational structure, when every employee can turn to the higher level one with an initiative, complaint or offer. Such an organizational structure presupposes more communication and thus has greater impact on employee’s motivation. Flat organizational structure kills the fear towards management in employees and create more favorable working atmosphere. Considering two different types of organizational structure within two facilities, it is possible to say that organizational structure actually impacts the organizational culture and the way people perceive themselves and their importance to the organization, treat each other and behave i. e. working atmosphere that exists. (Brislin, 1993) Thus, in Green River company, people are brought together based on defined roles within the structure of the organization. The nature of the tasks to be done is a predominant feature within this facility. Management, certain rules and relationships, identify goals and norms of behavior are established. Thus, Green River’s organizational culture is very formal. As it was mentioned before, employees do not have a chance and stimulus to socially interact with each other, share their ideas and experience. It is possible to identify Green River’s organizational culture as the one of total control and power from the center. At Aberdeen, in contrary, organizational culture is more people oriented, â€Å"humanized†and caring. This so-called â€Å"human†approach to management has resulted, in particular, in active interaction between employees, as well as in the fact that 30% of all employees were represented by women and 8% by minorities. It helped to create a positive image of the plant in the yes of Aberdeen community and people outside as well.
Friday, November 8, 2019
buy custom Dying Patient essay
buy custom Dying Patient essay The purpose of this paper was to report on an interview conducted with an oncology nurse and a clergy representative. Both of the nurse and the clergy representative were interviewed since they work in a facility providing care for dying patients. The objective of the exercise was to establish the particular approach adopted by the facility in working with dying patients and how that approach is relevant to the 21st Century needs of dying patients. The question reported on in the essay and the attached as an appendix reveal a genuine interest in understanding how these two specialists provide their continued services in hospice care. According to the oncology nurse interviewed, most of the patients admitted in the facility have already undergone confirmed laboratory tests whose results show that the person is suffering from a progressive medical condition that will soon or later result in death. According to the nurse, the facility scrutinizes each patient to ensure that they can fully provide the specific needs of the patient. There are some conditions like dementia, which demands very specialized care. The facility must therefore ascertain their ability to provide adequate care for the patients condition. Most of the patients admitted are those whose care givers at home have been overwhelmed or unqualified to give, especially in the very last stages of the dying process. The primary needs of a dying patient are physical, spiritual and emotional. At the time when the patient's health can no longer be controlled, treatment for the condition usually stops and that is when hospice care becomes most necessary. The hospice care focuses mainly on making a patient comfortable in the last days alive by giving medications and treatments that control severe symptoms like pain, constipation, short breath, nausea etc. The idea is to remove the overbearing strain of an impending death and the stress that accompanies such disclosure with psychological assistance, physical treatments and spiritual nourishment. The nurse and the clergy representative concurred in the fact that a dying patient needs comfort, information of his or her health status, encouragement to bear the sad outcome with acceptance and a positive mind and the guidance in making vital decisions before he or she dies. According to the clergy representative, the spiritual care of the patient are the most important and usually the key to eliminate stress and desperation of the patient. Buy custom Dying Patient essay
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
effect of enzyme concentraitio essays
effect of enzyme concentraitio essays The Effect of Substrate Concentration on the Rate of Enzyme Catalase An experiment was carried out to discover if there was a relation between Hydrogen Peroxide and the enzyme Catalase. The experiment was set up as said in the method and carried out as accurately as possible. During the reaction the Hydrogen Peroxide was broken down to water and Oxygen. (H2O2 >H2O + O2). It was broken down by the enzyme catalase. A catalyst (enzyme) lower the activation energy required for the reaction to occur. Investigate how the varying concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide affects the rate of reaction. The independent variable will be the Hydrogen peroxide and the dependent variable will be the volume of gas that will be measured. Set up the equipment as it was shown in the diagram. Use the 100% Hydrogen Peroxide and to produce different concentrations of H2O2. Make up a volume of these concentrations so that the experiment can be repeated at lease twice. The concentrations are 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. 0% = 0cm3 of H2O2 and 10cm3 of H2O 25% = 2.5cm3 of H2O2 and 7.5cm3 of H20 50% = 5cm3 of H2O2 and 5cm3 of H20 75% = 7.5cm3 of H2O2 and 2.5cm3 of H20 100% = 10cm3 of H2O2 and 0cm3 of H20 For each experiment react 1 Cm3 of Catalase with 10 cm3 of the H2O2 of different concentrations. Make sure that the measuring cylinder is completely filled with water before you begin the test. Record the volume of oxygen produced in 2 minutes. Put in a table. Calculate and convert to rate of reaction During the experiment there were no extremely dangerous chemicals used involved. But you should always make sure that the area you are working in is clear of any objects and bags. Also take care when handling glass equipment as they break easily and could harm you. ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 8
Case Study - Essay Example In this session we would be reviewing the leadership skills displayed by Navy commander D. Michael Abrashoff, in order to define and learn different theories of leadership. This review would be well backed by the statement of impact of these theories on the work force relating them to the leadership model of Navy commander D. Michael Abrashoff who captioned the three hundred highly skilled sailors of USS Benfold. This case study was selected, as the leadership skills which are being reviewed would fit into the improvisation methodology of any management scenario. The trait theory suggests that there are some identifiable qualities or characteristics that should be possessed by the leaders and the degree of efficacy of a leader would be directly proportional to the extent of these qualities or characteristics held by them. Some of the qualities which fall under the trait theory are as following A leader should be able to understand the context and content of his designation and assigned responsibilities. The dynamics of internal and external environmental variables which would affect the activities of the enterprise should be grasped well by the leader. It also implies to the technical competence and sound general education of the leader. The leadership quality of intelligence was reflected a number of times in the leadership model set by D. Michael Abrashoff while captioning the three hundred highly skilled sailors of USS Benfold, the U.S. Navys warship. His technical competence was proved as he had an excellent service record, combat experience, and had held prestigious posts in Washington, DC. Moreover his technical expertise had provided Benfold the reputation of being the best ship in the Pacific fleet. He could analyze the smartness and talent of his crew within no time and he viewed the internal and external environmental variables through the eyes of the crew. It was his ability to grasp the work situation realities,
Friday, November 1, 2019
The cause of civil war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The cause of civil war - Essay Example Generally the northerners and southerners had totally conflicting outlooks and values. The south was rich in agriculture and agricultural related output while the north was more of an industrial hub. The north was also a cosmopolitan area in both religion and nationalities (Hewitt and Lawson 104). The north was not willing to tolerate slave and slavery actions of the south states and undertook measures such as starting the abolitionist movement that aimed at ending slavery across America. The south was angered by northerners’ actions and values of protecting escaping slaves and wanted to impose the rights of states to own slaves (Hewitt and Lawson 111). Slavery among other factors made America to reach the great American tragedy since 1861, slavery was a state’s rights, and provided for in the state laws. By 1860, cracks were clear in the American society and it was no longer a homogeneous society, but instead one that had different outlooks and different values. This was vitalized by the emergence of the north and the southern divides that formed the two sides of the war (Hewitt and Lawson 173) Economically, the use of slaves in cotton plantations by the south states and northern abolitionist movements created tensions between the south and north. Four out ten people in 1860 were slaves providing labor force to the rich agricultural south and this formed the strong foundation of the southern economy (Hewitt and Lawson 165). All southerners viewed any attempt by the federal government to control the rights of slave owners as a catastrophic threat to the southern economic system. The northern merchants benefitted from the demands of the south for shipping the cheaply produced cotton abroad and the southerners also benefitted from the imports of consumption goods by the northerners (Hewitt and Lawson 133). Politically, the north and south read from different scripts with the
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